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Promote Government Efforts to Enhance Education in Remote Communities XL Axiata Established Madrasas in Isolated Buton, Southeast Sulawesi

CENTRAL BUTON, MAY 25, 2024. President Director & CEO of PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata), Dian Siswarini, inaugurated the Al-Amin Madrasah Ibtidaiyah development project along with its supporting facilities in Central Buton Regency, Southeast Sulawesi. Built in December 2023, the Al-Amin Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Tolandona Matanaeo Village, Sangia Wambulu District is now ready for use. The procurement of basic education facilities cost approximately IDR 800 million, funded by contributions from XL Axiata employees and management. The inauguration event was also attended by XL Axiata's Chief of Human Capital Officer, M Hira Kurnia, Chair of the MTXL Foundation, Fery Firman, and other XL Axiata employees.


Dian Siswarini remarked, "As a telecommunications company, our role extends beyond building networks and providing telecommunications and data services. XL Axiata is also committed to assisting communities in addressing social challenges and needs. This includes constructing a madrasa in Central Buton, which is quite distant from both the Provincial and National Capitals. This initiative reflects the deep commitment of XL Axiata’s management and employees to Indonesia. We aim to support children's education in remote areas, not only through internet services but also through hands-on efforts in these regions."


Dian further expressed that it was a significant achievement for XL Axiata’s management and employees to swiftly establish essential public facilities needed by the residents of Central Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. "We hope this madrasa will benefit the community and provide easy access to education for the people of Tolandona Matanaeo Village and its surrounding areas, fostering a #jadilebihbaik (#better) future."


Dian noted that the waqf funds were contributed by XL Axiata management and employees to support those in need. Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Amin was selected for renovation due to its poor condition and imminent risk of collapse. XL Axiata is committed to enhancing its societal contributions through sustainable corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The construction of this madrasah is a significant project carried out by Majlis Taklim XL Axiata (MTXL) under the infrastructure development program initiated in 2021. In addition to infrastructure projects, MTXL also runs a social entrepreneurship program.


Central Buton Regional Secretary, H. Konstantinus Bukide, expressed gratitude, saying, "We appreciate XL Axiata and the iWakaf initiative for building Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Amin for the residents of Tolandona Matanaeo Village, Sangia Wambulu District. We hope this educational facility will be fully utilized by the community, addressing the need for adequate educational infrastructure for our children."


This madrasah, built on a 1080 square meter area, consists of 6 classrooms and has a total building area of 304.6 square meters. It can accommodate over 200 students and is equipped with benches, tables, and blackboards.


The waqf initiative is a regular program of the XL Axiata Taklim Council (MTXL) as part of the company's social responsibility efforts. This madrasa development project is a collaboration with the waqf initiative (iWakaf) and PT. Garuda Nusa Engineering as the construction partner.


At the inauguration of the madrasah in Central Buton Regency, XL Axiata also launched the XL Axiata Baik program at SMA Negeri 1 Baubau and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Amin. The XL Axiata Baik program allows employees to share their knowledge and experience with the community.


During the pre-event, on May 8, 2024, XL Axiata employees conducted teaching sessions at SMA Negeri 1 Baubau and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Amin. At SMA Negeri 1 Baubau, they taught students how to create a website portal to promote the city of Baubau and their school, and organized a competition for website content creation. At Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Amin, the sessions focused on Telecommunications Education and included creativity competitions for children, such as making miniature buildings and drawing contests themed around telecommunications. The program also provided cash assistance, laptops, WiFi, and free data packages for one year to support the school's facilities.


The assistance programs by XL Axiata in various regions align with the expansion of the XL Axiata network. In Southeast Sulawesi, XL Axiata's 4G network now reaches over 236 villages and 124 sub-districts, with around 680 4G BTS sites serving customers in these areas. Specifically for Central Buton Regency, the  XL Axiata network is supported by approximately 400 4G BTS. XL Axiata continues to invest in fiber networks, transmission, backhaul, network modernization, and various other upgrades to enhance network stability, capacity, and data service quality as data traffic continues to grow.


Over the past two years, XL Axiata, through MTXL, has contributed to developing various social and entrepreneurial facilities, including:


MTXL Infrastructure Projects:

  • Constructed a mosque in Luwuk, Central Sulawesi
  • Renovated a madrasa in Pontianak, West Kalimantan
  • Currently building a bridge in Padang Tikar, West Kalimantan
  • Established clean water facilities in Dairi, North Sumatra
  • Established clean water facilities in Simalungun, North Sumatra
  • Established clean water facilities in Brebes, Central Java
  • Established clean water facilities in Bali
  • Built ablution and toilet facilities in Makassar, South Sulawesi
  • Constructed a mosque in Maros, South Sulawesi
  • Renovated a school in Langkat, North Sumatra
  • Established clean water facilities in Banyuasin, South Sumatra
  • Built a bridge in Banyuasin, South Sumatra
  • Constructed Soetiman Mosque in Aceh
  • Installed ready-to-drink water systems in 5 mosques in Bandung, West Java
  • Constructed Sadiah Binti Haddad Gandadiwirja Mosque in Magetan, East Java
  • Renovated a house for the underprivileged in Tuban, East Java
  • Deployed a COVID-19 Mobile Diagnostic Laboratory in Jakarta
  • Installed electrical facilities in Sebongkup, West Kalimantan
  • Built a bridge in Lebak, Banten


Entrepreneurial Projects:

  • Developed livestock farming in Central Sulawesi
  • Offered sewing skills training in East Kalimantan
  • Established a smart farm for gourami fish in Yogyakarta
  • Promoted smart eco-tourism in Lampung
  • Set up a refill water depot in East Java
  • Launched a smart farm academy in Oku, South Sumatra
  • Supported the cultivation of laying hens in Lamongan
  • Sustainability & CSR