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Sisternet Expands Benefits for Indonesian Women Hosts Community Gathering and Socializes the Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024 Program

Surabaya, September 7, 2024. PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) continues to expand the benefits of its "Sisternet" program, aimed at empowering Indonesian women to #JadiLebihBaik. One of the initiatives Sisternet Expands Benefits for Indonesian Women Hosts Community Gathering and Socializes the Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024 Programis to promote increased digital literacy among women who own and manage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) across Indonesia. XL Axiata believes that utilizing digital tools and technology can accelerate the empowerment, productivity, and growth of women-led SMEs. One way to boost digital literacy is by organizing the Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024 (Smart Capital Competition 2024). In collaboration with FUZZ Creative Agency, Sisternet held a talk show themed #PerempuanNaikKelas (#WomenUpgraded) in Surabaya (7/9), while also promoting the Kompetisi Modal Pintar program to 100 women-led SMEs.


Regional Group Head of XL Axiata East Region, Dodik Ariyanto, stated, "Through Sisternet, we are committed to supporting the empowerment of Indonesian women by enhancing their digital literacy so they can become agents of change for their families and communities. This program is part of our mission to empower 1 million Indonesian women. We have developed several strategies to promote women's empowerment, focusing on those who manage and run SMEs, as well as women with disabilities."


Dodik further explained that the talk show and the introduction of the Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024 in Surabaya highlight XL Axiata's dedication to building a more inclusive and competitive digital environment for 1 million Indonesian women. This effort is achieved by offering access to education, training, and networking opportunities, enabling women to enhance their skills, grow their businesses, and utilize technology for success.


The Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024 by Sisternet offers opportunities for women SME owners to attend various digital skills classes essential for business development. Additionally, the competition challenges participants to seize business opportunities with a total capital prize of IDR 100 million, plus mentorship from experts to help grow their businesses. To participate in the Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024, applicants must register through the Sisternet app, submit a proposal, attend all training sessions or webinars, and create a two-year business plan, explained Dodik.


The Surabaya talk show featured speakers who have successfully excelled in the SME field, including Sisternet mentors such as Yessie Natasia, CEO of FASHIONISTAS, YORRI and FUZZ, Khatarine Paula, CEO of Cap Sayang Indonesia, Tyas Nastiti, Lecturer, Entrepreneur, & Content Creator, Adellia Nike, Travel Creator for tiketcom and Founder of the TikTok affiliate AndroidNye, Dr. Ellen Sidowati, Sp. DVE, Dermatologist at ERHA, Ajeng Fatima, Owner of Amagi Group, and Adelia Panjaitan, Product Owner of Sisternet XL Axiata.


Around 100 women-led SMEs from Surabaya and nearby areas attended the talk show, which discussed topics such as the importance of networking, investing in personal appearance, consistently building strong businesses, and how to participate in business competitions for personal and business growth, such as the Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024.


Since 2015, Sisternet has organized a variety of digital technology programs to empower women. The Sisternet program has held more than 1,000 personal development classes for women. Over 564,000 Indonesian women have participated in these digital education classes.


Complete information about the Sisternet Kompetisi Modal Pintar 2024 program and its activities is available through the Sisternet app. The app provides a rich array of resources that women can use to develop their potential and improve their skills, covering topics such as self-care, family health, and parenting, and financial management.


The Sisternet app includes many features, such as educational articles, "Finansister," various webinars on exciting topics, educational forums through smart discussions, a "Sister Shop" slot for promoting women-owned SMEs, and free web banners for promotion. To date, more than 564 thousand Indonesian women have benefited from XL Axiata's support through the Sisternet app, which can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Playstore.

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