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XL Axiata Employees Organized Blood Donation Event in Pekanbaru

Pekanbaru, May 14, 2024. Employees of PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) gathered at the Grha XL Pekanbaru office on Jalan Tuanku Tambusai Ujung No. 819, Pekanbaru (13/5) to conduct a blood donation drive. Alongside this initiative, they also distributed book donations to children from the Darul Ilmi Orphanage located on Jl. Rawasari I, Pekanbaru City. The symbolic donation ceremony was led by Oloan Monang Sinambela, Head of Sales for XL Axiata in the Riau Mainland and Riau Islands area, who handed over the donations to Ustad Jali Jamil.


Desy Sari Dewi, XL Axiata West Region Group Head stated, "Blood donation has become a regular activity for XL employees in Sumatra, particularly in Medan. This activity not only supports public health but also celebrates National Book Day as we extend our support to the Darul Ilmi Pekanbaru Orphanage. Engaging in such social activities strengthens our bond with the people of Pekanbaru City and Riau as a whole. Given the high demand for blood in Pekanbaru, approximately 6 thousand bags per month, it brings us satisfaction to contribute towards alleviating the local community's suffering. We hope these efforts will prove beneficial to those in need."


Desy noted that today's blood donation drive saw the participation of 50 registered individuals, resulting in the collection of 40 units of blood from willing donors. These vital donations will be donated through PMI to support the residents of Pekanbaru in need, reinforcing the #AdaUntukIndonesia (#ThereForIndonesia) initiative.


In addition to blood donations, a variety of educational materials including notebooks, textbooks, religious texts, and storybooks were contributed by XL Axiata employees. Approximately 100 books were distributed to the Darul Ilmi Pekanbaru Orphanage, benefiting its 35 residents, comprised of orphans, underprivileged, and abandoned children.


The event witnessed the presence of XL Axiata employees, journalists, customers, and the general public.


Blood donation and assistance for the less fortunate are integral components of the MTXL Axiata Program, reflecting XL Axiata employees' enduring commitment to community engagement, particularly in addressing diverse social challenges and responding to disasters. The aid disbursed by the organization stems from the ZIS funds contributed by XL Axiata employees, collected on a monthly basis and overseen by the XL Axiata Ta'lim Council for distribution to those in need.


Donating blood yields numerous benefits for donors, including a reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases, lower cancer risk, help with weight management, early detection of serious illnesses, and enhancement of psychological well-being, promoting a culture of #JadiLebihBaik (#BeBetter).


In addition to Medan and Pekanbaru, blood donation drives are scheduled to take place in various cities across Sumatra, including Banda Aceh, Batam, Padang, Jambi, Bengkulu, Palembang, Bangka, and Lampung.

  • Sustainability & CSR