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Audit Committee and Internal Audit

Audit Committee

The Board of Audit Committee assist the Board of Commissioner in performing their supervisory duties in a form of independent opinion to matters that require attention from the Board of Commissioners in accordance with the principles of Good Corporate Governance, including Company audit, risk management implementation and internal control system in accordance with prevailing laws and regulation.

Didi Syafruddin Yahya
Independent Commissioner/ Chairman Board Audit Committee/ Member Investment Committee
Yasmin Binti Aladad Khan
Independent Commissioner/Chairwoman Board Risk and Compliance Committee/Member Board Audit Committee
Benny Redjo Setyono
Member Board Audit Committee
Nita Skolastika Ruslim
Member of Audit Committee


4 November 2020
Board of Audit Committee Charter


Internal Audit

Internal Audit ensures and evaluates Good Corporate Governance implementation in the organization in the form of accountable independent assessments both periodically and incidentally. In structure, the Internal Audit is led by Head of Internal Audit who is responsible to the President Director.
26 April 2021
Internal Audit Charter


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Nominating and Remuneration Committee
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Board Risk and Compliance Committee