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Empowering Women as Future Leaders "Sisternet Goes To Campus" Invites 1,500 Andalas University Female Students in the "Female Future Leader" Initiative

PADANG, SEPTEMBER 9, 2024. PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata), through its Sisternet program, hosted the "Sisternet Goes To Campus" event at Andalas University (UNAND) in Padang, West Sumatra, under the theme "Empowering Future Female Leaders." XL Axiata invited over 1,500 female students from UNAND to expand their perspectives, address various women’s issues, and collaboratively explore solutions. The event was inaugurated by XL Axiata's Chief Corporate Affairs, Marwan O. Baasir, Head of the Padang City Education Office, Yopi Krislova, S.H., M.M., and the Rector of Andalas University, Efa Yonnedi, Ph.D., at the Andalas University Auditorium on Monday (9/9).


The event was attended by participation from more than 1,500 UNAND female students, included activities such as talk shows, a bazaar featuring female entrepreneurs from UNAND’s SMEs, and interactive games. Other notable attendees included XL Axiata West Region Group Head, Desy Sari Dewi, along with talk show speakers Ahmad Syarief Yudhistira, Head of Communication Channel and CSR Management at XL Axiata, and Nahdiah Estu Pawestri, Head of Youth Marketing at XL Axiata. Prominent female figures in attendance were Harneli Mahyeldi, wife of the Governor of West Sumatra and Chairwoman of the PKK for West Sumatra (2021-2024), Managing Director of ERHA Clinic Group, Norita Sembada, and key representatives from UNAND, including Dr. Laila Isrona, M.Sc., Head of the Department of Medical Education, Chairperson of DW UNAND, and Chairperson of Salimah Sumbar.


Chief of Corporate Affairs of PT XL Axiata Tbk, Marwan O. Baasir, said, "XL Axiata is committed to actively participating in helping the government increase the empowerment of women to become future leaders as part of our #JadiLebihBaik initiative, which aims to improve female representation in decision-making levels, both in the private and public sectors. While globally, female representation in leadership roles has increased yearly in both sectors, the empowerment of women is still insufficient. Therefore, we need indicators, planning, and measurable activities to accelerate the success of women's empowerment."


Marwan further explained that the "Sisternet Goes To Campus" program is part of a joint commitment to enhance digital literacy among young people and women in Indonesia. With this event, XL Axiata and Andalas University aim to equip female students with the necessary skills to thrive in a job market that will increasingly depend on technology.


At this event, XL Axiata and invited guests launched the "Female Future Leader" program, aimed at providing insights and strategies for developing female leadership. The program seeks to inspire female students across Indonesia to pursue and cultivate their leadership potential, creating a networking platform between professionals and female leaders. XL Axiata also encouraged UNAND students to register for the free leadership training program offered by Sisternet (Female Future Leader) and provided local women-owned SMEs in Padang with opportunities to go to market.


The Female Future Leader program, under XL Axiata's Sisternet CSR initiative, aims to create a digital ecosystem and empower women by providing training, mentoring, and network support necessary to become future leaders. The program focuses on developing leadership skills, boosting confidence, and opening access to strategic opportunities in various sectors. "Sisternet Goes To Campus," in collaboration with Andalas University, marks a step towards empowering young Indonesian women to learn and develop the qualities needed to become future leaders. #AdaUntukIndonesia


The program is designed to cultivate leadership qualities, strengthen professional skills, motivate participants, and develop professional networks. Participants will undergo training sessions, workshops, mentoring, and practical experience. #JadiLebihBaik


The Rector of Andalas University, Efa Yonnedi, Ph.D., said, “The competence of women is on the rise. At UNAND, four deans are women, as is the Director of Graduate Studies, along with many associate deans, reflecting the strong capabilities of women at the university. I am hopeful that the partnership between UNAND and XL Axiata will continue to flourish, not only enhancing higher education in Indonesia but also contributing to the economic development and well-being of Indonesian women. I wish for the program’s success in achieving its objectives. With 'Bismillahirrahmanirrahim', let’s officially commence the 'Sisternet Goes To Campus' event.”


During the event, Harneli Mahyeldi shared strategies with thousands of students on how to overcome gender stereotypes or obstacles in their careers, what essential skills or qualifications women need to start a business or become future leaders, and how the government of Padang supports leadership skill development for female students, empowering them to achieve their dreams. This journey is not easy and requires strong self-motivation.


According to a 2020 report by McKinsey & Company, companies with higher gender diversity in their management are 25% more likely to achieve above-average performance than less diverse companies. Meanwhile, the World Economic Forum’s 2021 survey ranked Indonesia 101st out of 156 countries in terms of gender equality, highlighting gaps that still need to be addressed.

  • Sustainability & CSR