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Umrah Plus Package from XL Axiata Always Stay Connected with Family
XL Axiata introduces the Umrah Plus package to support consumers communicating with their families back home, with huge data quotas, affordable rates, and reliable network coverage provided by Saudi Arabia's finest telecommunications carriers.

JAKARTA, FEBRUARY 18, 2025 — PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) has introduced the Umrah Plus package, designed exclusively for XL Prepaid customers performing Umrah in the Holy Land. This package is meant to make it easier for consumers to stay connected with their family in Indonesia by providing a huge data allowance, affordable pricing, and a stable network, all supported by Saudi Arabia's leading telecommunications carriers. With the Umrah Plus package, customers can worship in peace and comfort while also experiencing spiritual moments with their loved ones.


Dodik Ariyanto, Regional Group Head XL Axiata East Region, stated, "For Umrah pilgrims, getting in touch with families back home is one among their most important demands, whether to share joy or ask blessings. We launched the Umrah Plus plan as a practical and cost effective alternative that allows consumers to stay connected without interruption while worshipping in the Holy Land. With a huge data allowance and a stable network, we want to ensure our consumers have the greatest experience possible on their spiritual journey and #jadilebihbaik."


XL Axiata offers three flexible packages that can be adjusted to the customer's needs:

  1. 6GB - Valid for 10 Days 
    • Promo Price: Rp 245,000 (via myXL applications, normal price Rp 250,000)
    • Quota: 5GB for use in Saudi Arabia and 1GB for transit countries
  2. 10GB - Valid for 15 Days
    • Promo Price: Rp 325,000 (via myXL application, normal price Rp 375,000)
    • Quota: 9GB for use in Saudi Arabia and 1GB for transit countries
  3. 10GB - Valid for 20 Days
    • Promo Price: Rp 350,000 (via myXL applications, normal price Rp 475,000)
    • Quota: 9GB for use in Saudi Arabia and 1GB for transit countries

These packages can be easily activated before departure using the myXL app and roaming enabled on the customer's phone. There is no need to change the SIM card as XL Axiata connects to three of Saudi Arabia's major telecommunications operators, STC, Mobily, and Zain to ensure consistent and high quality coverage across the pilgrimage areas.


For customers, the internet quota can be used not only for staying in touch with family but also for other needs during their pilgrimage, such as:

  • Accessing digital Al-Qur’an applications and daily prayers.
  • Reading maps to facilitate travel to historical sites.
  • Sharing photos and videos from spiritual moments at Masjidil Haram, Masjid Nabawi, and Jabal Rahmah.
  • Accessing flight information and Umrah services while on the trip.

With stable connectivity and a large data quota, pilgrims can focus on their worship without worrying about missing important moments with their families back home.


For Bambang Priambodo, an XL customer from Sumenep, the Umrah Plus package was the ideal way to stay close to his family. "As soon as I landed in Madinah, I video called my family at home. It was wonderful to show them the atmosphere at Masjid Nabawi. With XL's generous limit and smooth connection, I was able to share this priceless occasion without worrying about running out of data."


To ensure customer comfort, XL Axiata offers a dedicated contact channel for pilgrims and XL Axiata customers who require customer care while in the Holy Land. This channel is not only simple to reach, but also cost-effective. Customers can contact [email protected], use the Maya chat service through the Live Chat function in the myXL app, or go to the website This service enables consumers to swiftly handle any concerns that may arise when utilising XL services in Saudi Arabia.


XL Axiata's Umrah Plus package provides a convenient, affordable, and high quality communication solution for Umrah travellers. Customers may worship while being connected to their relatives back home due to substantial data quotas, a stable network, and simply available services. Spiritual moments will become more meaningful and intimate. Customers can learn more about the Umrah Plus package by visiting XL Axiata's official website at or downloading the myXL app from this link: .

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