Pontianak, 3 April 2023. PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) through the Majlis Taklim of XL Axiata (MTXL Axiata) is again holding a social program for the community. This time by helping to renovate the oldest madrasah in Pontianak City, West Kalimantan, namely Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Raudhatul Islamiyah. This madrasah is the first madrasah established in Pontianak since 1948. The Mayor of Pontianak who was represented by the Expert Staff for Law and Politics of the City of Pontianak, Yusnaldi, S.IP, M.S, and Chief Corporate Affairs of XL Axiata, Marwan O.Baasir jointly inaugurated the new building in Tambelan Sampit Urban Village, Pontianak, Monday (3/4).
Marwan O. Baasir said, "Thank God and we thank all those who have committed and worked hard to realize this waqf program of madrasah renovation so that it can be completed according to the specified time target. It is an honor for us, the management and employees of XL Axiata can participate in the construction of educational facilities for the people of Pontianak. The renovation process has now been completed, which began in early 2023."
Marwan O. Baasir added this renovation waqf is one of the parts of the MTXL Axiata program which aims to help provide a more comfortable place for teachers and students in carrying out teaching and learning activities. This waqf is at the same time a form of XL Axiata's concern in meeting the educational needs of the wider community and can make the best use of it.
In carrying out this madrasah renovation program, MTXL Axiata is working with the Rumah Zakat institution and the contractor PT Garuda Nusa Engineering by carrying out several stages of work, starting from January 17, 2023, to completion on February 28, 2023. Some of the renovated facilities include six classrooms, foundations buildings, cast and ceramic floors, doors and windows, wooden desks and chairs, blackboards, and school signs in the madrasah which has a building area of approximately 350 m2 and a land area of approximately 400 m2.
On this occasion, MTXL Axiata also provided additional support in the form of a router complete with an internet package. Internet access assistance is provided to support teaching and learning activities at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al Raudhatul Islamiyah. Not only that, through the XL Axiata Baik program, XL Axiata employee representatives also share knowledge about Healthy Internet and Inspiring Social Media to several schools in Pontianak City.
Construction of Village Bridge
XL Axiata through MTXL Axiata in collaboration with the National Amil Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) also runs a social program in the form of donations for the construction of bridges for the community in Medan Seri, Padang Tikar II Village. The bridge construction measuring 2 x 31.58 m2 was built using ironwood as the foundation and cast concrete as the floor, equipped with safety fences and lighting. Located in Padang Tikar II Village, Batu Ampar District, Kubu Raya Regency, West Kalimantan, the bridge will later become one of the land access links for the people of Padang Tikar Village which has a land area of approximately 12.53 km2 consisting of five hamlets with a total of population of 4,684 inhabitants.
Starting work on February 15, 2023, the bridge construction project is targeted to be completed on April 20, 2023. With the construction of this bridge, it is hoped that later it will be able to improve the security and safety of the people of Padang Tikar Village and can also lift the economy there, and most importantly it can have an impact on the community productivity in carrying out daily activities, such as school activities, community’s work and businesses, religious and social activities, and other activities.
Until now, the bridge construction process is still ongoing. To ensure that the project goes according to plan, Marwan O. Baasir visits the project directly in the field to find out the latest developments in the bridge construction process. Secretary of Batu Ampar District, H. Alfian, SKM., M.Kes and Head of Padang Tikar II Village, Zainal Abidin Daeng Ali, also participated in the review of the bridge construction project which had reached 90% completion on Sunday (2/4) yesterday.
XL Axiata 4G Network Reaches 14 Cities/Regencies in West Kalimantan
XL Axiata continues to expand its network throughout the West Kalimantan area. Until now, XL Axiata has more than 2,000 BTS, including more than 1,300 4G BTS. XL Axiata's 4G network has reached 1,013 villages in 138 districts, which are included in 14 cities/regencies. This is done to meet the community's need for data services, which continues to increase every year.
In the last two years, data traffic throughout West Kalimantan has increased by more than 40%. To maintain quality and expand data service areas, XL Axiata continues to build 4G networks in all existing regencies/cities, including to ensure the convenience of communication for more than 360 thousand of XL Axiata customers.
Meanwhile, to meet the needs of people in remote areas of West Kalimantan which were previously unreachable by telecommunications and data access networks, since 2018, XL Axiata has also operated networks through the USO program in collaboration with the government. In total there are 80 BTS points for the USO program in West Kalimantan managed by XL Axiata, all of which are 4G.
Not only building a network through USO, still in West Kalimantan, XL Axiata also supports government programs for equal distribution of data services in non-3T areas. Until now, XL Axiata has also operated a network in the non-3T area of 16 BTS in West Kalimantan. Networks in Non-3T areas managed by XL Axiata are also in South Kalimantan with 42 BTS, Central Kalimantan with 86 BTS, East Kalimantan with 25 BTS, and North Kalimantan with 9 BTS.